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À½³¶±ÙºÎ ÇǺΰá¼ÕÀ» À§ÇÑ À½°æÀ¯°æÇǺÎÀÌ½Ä Áõ·Êº¸°í Case Report of Penile Plastic Pedicle Skin Graft

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1969³â 10±Ç 2È£ p.71 ~ 74
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ÀüÃ漺/Chun CS ±è¿µÁ¶/Kim YJ


"The number of skin graft operations following the soft tissue injuries has been increasing year after .year, as the number of industrial business is growing fast in Seoul district. We have performed one hundred and two cases of skin graft, mainly for the extremities injury in the orthopedic surgical department alone during last sixteen months (from January. l968 to Apri1, 1969) including two plastic operation for the penile skin which involves, very rarely because of an anatomical .stand point The plastic repair of penile skin was done by means of Goodwin`s technic. The pedicle skin wag donated from the scrotum for the completely necrotized penile skin which was developed following the attempt of removal of the penile paraffinoma."


À½°æ¼Õ»ó; penile plastic pedicle; skin graft

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