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ÇÏ´ëÁ¤¸ÆÈÄ ¿ä°üÀÇ 1 ·Ê A Case of Postcaval Ureter

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ÀüÃ漺/Chun CS ÀÌ¿ø¼®/Lee WS


"Post-caval or retrocaval ureter is a congenital anomaly of the vascular system. This anomaly almost. always involve the rt. ureter and occurs more frequently in male We have reported a 36 years male of rt. postcaval ureter that was resulted marked hydronephrosis due to compression of rt. ureter by vena cava. Three months after the operation, excretory urogram showed previous caliectasis and pyelectasis were moderately reduced and previous dislocated ureteral course was corrected."


ÇÏ´ëÁ¤¸ÆÈÄ¿ä°ü; Postcaval ureter

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