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ÇÏ´ëÁ¤¸ÆÈÄ ¿ä°üÀÇ 1 ·Ê Retrocaval Ureter: A Case Report

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1969³â 10±Ç 4È£ p.197 ~ 200
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ÀÌÀçÈ£/Rhee JH À̱¹Àç/±èµÎ¿ë/Lee KJ/Kim DR


"A case of retrocaval ureter is presented with a review of literature. The patient reported herein was 23 year-old man with frequent urination and crawling of the scrotum. Excretory and retrograde urogram found sickle shape deformity without any obstructive changes of the upper one third of the right ureter. The inferior vena cavagram shows crossing with retained ureteral catheter at upper board of third lumbar vertebra in oblique view."


ÇÏ´ëÁ¤¸ÆÈÄ¿ä°ü; retrocaval ureter

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