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ºÎ°íȯ°áÇÙÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû Clinical Observation on Tuberculosis of the Epididymis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1970³â 11±Ç 4È£ p.203 ~ 207
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±è±¤³²/Kim KN


Forty-three cases of tuberculosis of the epididymis seen during the period from January 1968 to August 1970 were studied clinically and the following results were obtained.
1). Incidence of tuberculosis of the epididymis is 7.7 % of Urological adimissonal patient.

2). Lateralization shows 20. 9% in the right, 16. 3% in the left and 62.8% in the both.

3). In 18.6%, tuberculous diseases were present in the past history the pleura and the lung were most frequently invaded.

4). Of presenting symptoms, painful epididymal swelling were observed in 53.5%, Unpainful epididymal swelling 27.9%, frequency of urination 20.9% and hematuria 11.6%.

5). Sperm analysis in 34 cases(bilat. 24 cases, unilat. 10 cases) disclosed azoospermia in 53.0% oligospermia in 23.5% and normospermia in 17.6%.

6). Observing the epididymal TB. associated with TB. involvement in other organ, the lung and pleura TB. inextrarenal organ show the highest percent (44. 2%) and the prostatic TB. in the genitourinary tract (72. 1%).

7). In 43 cases, the total or partial epididymectomy was done in 12 cases and the epididymcorchiectomy in 2 cases.


ºÎ°íȯ°áÇÙ; Epididymal tuberculosis

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