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ÁÖ¿ù Çѱ¹ À°±º ºñ´¢»ý½Ä±â Àü»óÀÇ Åë°èÀû °üÂû A Statistical Observation on Gentio-Urinary Tract Injuries of Korean Army in Vietnam War

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1970³â 11±Ç 4È£ p.227 ~ 230
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±è¼öâ/Kim SC


A statistical observation was made on Genito-Urinary-tract injuries of Korean Army Personnels in Vietnam War during the period of September, 1965 to September, 1970. and the following results were obtained.
1. The Genito-Urinary-tract injuries were 128 cases (5. 1 per cent) among 2493 war casualities.

2. As for the causes of injuries, 72 cases (56. 2 per cent) were caused by gunshot, 28 (21. 8 per cent) by boobytrap, 15 (11. 7 per cent) by crush, and 5 (3. 9 per cent) by grenade.

3. Concerning the frequency of injuries in each organ, 33 cases (25. 0 per cent) were observed in bladder, 30 (23. 4 per cent) in urethra, 28 (21. 8 per cent) in kidney, 27 (21. 0 per cent) in scrotum and testis, 5 (3. 9 per cent) in penis, 4 (3. 1 per cent) in ureter, and 1 (0. 7 per cent) in prostate.

4. The incidence of Genito-Urinary-tract injuries associated with the other organs was as follows. In kidney injuries, 9 cases were associated with intestine, 8 with liver, 8 with spleen, and one each with radial nerve and iliac vessel. In ureter injuries, 4 cases were associated with intestine. In bladder injuries, 7 cases were associated with intestine, 1 with spleen, 15 with pelvic bone, 3 with femur, one each with head and foot. In urethral injuries, 4 cases were associated with intestine, 13 with pelvic bone, 6 with femur, and one with head. In penis injuries, one case was associated with pelvic bone, and 2 with femur. In scrotum and testis injuries, one case was associated with intestine, 8 with pelvic bone, 7 with femur, and one each which head and foot. In prostate injury, one case was associated with intestine.

5. As for the multiplicity of Genito-Urinary-tract injuries, 9 cases were observed in scrotum, testis and urethra, 3 in scrotum, testis and penis, 3 in bladder and urethra, 1 in bladder and prostate.

6. The evacuation time from battle fields to the evacuation hospital was one hour in average by helicopter.


¼Õ»ó; Genitourinary tract injury; Korean army

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