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Á¤·ù°íȯ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ³»ºÐºñ¿ä¹ý Hormonal Therapy on Cryptorchidism

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1971³â 12±Ç 1È£ p.51 ~ 57
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¹Ú³ëÁ¤/Park RJ ÀÌÈñ¿µ/Lee HY


"A clinical observation was made on 166 undescended testes treated in the Department of Urology, Seoul National University Hospital during the period from April, 1954 to August, 1970. Among these subjects, 9 cases were given hormonal treatments. The following are a summary of the observation. 1. The 166 cryptorchidisms occupy 0. 4 per cent of total out-patients and 0. 6 per cent of total male out-patients of the Dept. during the same period. 2. Age distribution varies from 1 to 45 with an average of 17. A majority of the patients (62 cent) are in the age group of 6 to 19. 3. Bilateral cryptorchidisms were found in 66 cases, right in 51 cases and left in 49 cases 4. Associated anomalies are: hypospadias, 6 cases; hydrocele testis, 2 cases; inguinal hernias, 3 cases; and varicocele, 1 case. 5. Nine cases of bilateral cryptorchidisms were given human chorionic gonadotropin (PUBEROGEN, Tong-a Pharm. Mfg. Co. and Tomoda Pharm. Mfg. Co.), 500 to 1,000 I.U. twice a week, in a total amount of 5,000 to 60,000 I.U. and good effects were obtained in all the 9 cases."


cryptorchidism;hormonal therapy;Àẹ°íȯ;³»ºÐºñ¿ä¹ý

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