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¿äµµÇÏ¿­ 30·Ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Åë°èÀû °íÂû* Statistical Observation on 30 Hypospadias

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1971³â 12±Ç 2È£ p.207 ~ 216
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A statistical observation was made on 30 hypospadias of the in-patients in the Department of Urology, Seoul National University Hospital during the period Jan. 1961 through July, 1970 and the following results were obtained. 1) Of 30 hypospadias, 12 cases or 40.0% were admitted at the ages of 7 or below, 10 cases or 33. 3% at the ages between 8 and 16 and 8 cases or 26.7% at the ages of 16 years or more. 2) Of 30 hypospadias, 19 cases or 63.3% were peno-scrotal, 8 cases or 26.7% penile and 3 cases or 10.0% were perineal in type. 3) Cryptorchism was the most common among the associated anomalies and it occupied 50% of 18 associated anomalies. 4) Compared to success rate, suprapubic cystostomy(8 cases) was 75% and perineal urethroplasty (8 cases) was 37. 5%. 5) Of 16 urethroplasties, 8 cases or 57% were succeeded by Denis-Browne method and one case or 50% was succeeded by Cecil`s method.


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