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½ÅÀå Ä«ºÐŬ 2 ·Ê Two Cases of Renal Carbuncle

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1971³â 12±Ç 2È£ p.221 ~ 225
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Ãֽ°­/Choi SK ±èµ¿ÇÑ/¿ÕÁ¾¼ø/Kim DH/Wang CS


Carbuncle of the kidney is relatively rare condition which only 225 cases had been reported in the medical literature until 1967. This condition should be considered in the case of renal infection with normal urinary findings. Diagnosis is not easy in the early stage, especially in children and differential diagnosis should be made with renal tumor. Serious complications will develop if early diagnosis and treatment are not given. 2 cases of the renal carbuncle are presented with review of literature.


½ÅÄ«ºÐŬ; renal carbuncle

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