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±³Åë»ç°í·Î ÀÎÇÑ ºñ´¢±â¼Õ»óȯÀÚ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °üÂû Statistical Observation on Genitourinary Tract Injury due to Traffic Accident

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1971³â 12±Ç 3È£ p.339 ~ 347
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Ȳ¿ÀÅÃ/Whang OT


2,149 injury cases due to traffic accident who visited to emergency room of Woo Sok University Medical College Hospital during the period of 3 years and 8 months from Jan. 1967 to Aug. 1969, were Studied statistically and following results were obtained. 1) Traffic injury revealed increasing tendency every year. 2) Observing from the view point of seasonal distribution, traffic accident occurred more frequently in Autumn and in Spring. 3) The neurosurgical patients were the most in number, and Genitourinary tract injury were 27 cases, about 1.21% of total. 4) The age group ranging from 21 to 40 years of age (working age group) and children (0 ~ 10 year of age) were apt to get traffic injury. 5) From 1960 to 1963, most of injury cases were male but after 1963, female patients have been increasing gradually. Statistical and clinical observation for 53 inpatients with genitourinary tract injury due to traffic accident during the period of 9 years and 8 months from Jan. 1960 to Aug. 1969 was performed and following results were obtained. 1) In sex distribution, patients were almost male 2) Patients in age group ranging from 21 to 30 were predominant, and children were quite rare. 3) From the view point of organ distribution, urethral injury was the most in number (25 cases, 47%), bladder injury was the second (15 cases, 28. 30%) and renal injury was the 3rd (5 cases, 8. 43%).


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