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½ÅÀå°áÇÙÀÇ ÀÓ»ó ¹× ¼¼±ÕÇÐÀû °üÂû Clinical and Bacteriological Studies on Renal Tuberculosis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1971³â 12±Ç 4È£ p.333 ~ 340
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±èÀçÈ­/Kim JW


Clinical study was made on 102 cases of renal tuberculosis who visited the urological department, Kyungpook University Hospital during the 4 year period from July. 1951 to June, 1970. Fourteen cases were chosen at random, and culture and sensitivity test for tuberculous bacilli were performed. Results: 1. Incidence of renal tuberculosis patients tended to decrease from 2.22% of 1966 to 19. 3% of 1970. 2. Age and sex distribution showed that 31 cases (30. 3%) were in 20 ~ 29 years, 27(26. 5%) in 30 ~ 39, 17 (16. 7%) in 10 ~ 19. Regarding the sex, 69 cases (57. 8%) were male and 43 cases (42. 2%) were female. 3. 48.8% of the cases visited the hospital within 3 months to one year after the onset of symptoms 4. Initial symptom was mostly those of vesical symptom and hematuria. Hematuria in 64.7%. frequency in 53.9%, pain on urination in 36. 3%. 5. 38 cases (37. 3%) were affected in right, 35 (34. 3%) in left, and 27 (26. 5%) in both sides. 6. Urinary findings revealed pyuria in 84 cases (82. 4%), hematuria in 79 cases (77. 4%), proteinuria in 87 cases (86. 3%). 7. Tuberculous bacilli were found by staining only in 42.2%. Patient who have had a previous anti-tuberculous treatment were found to be positive staining in only 25% and those who have not were to be 47. 5%. 8. The pyelogram showed that 50% of the cases with unilateral lesions were in far advanced, 12% in moderately advanced, while 70% of the cases with bilateral lesions in far advanced changes. 9. Other tuberculous lesions were found in 32. 3% cases of which 27.7% had genital tuberculosis 25% tuberculous pleurisy, and 22. 2% lung tuberculosis. 10. 14 cases (70%) were found positive in culture for tuberculous bacilli 11. Drug sensitivity test was carried out in 14 cases among which resistance was shown to SM in 3 cases at 100 r to INH in 3 cases at 0.1 r and to cycloserine in 12 cases at 10 r however, there was no resistant strain to PAS.


½ÅÀå°áÇÙ; renal tuberculosis

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