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´ç´¢º´¿¡ ÇÕº´ÇÑ ºñ´¢»ý½Ä±â Áúȯ Urogenital Complication in Diabetes Mellitus

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1971³â 12±Ç 4È£ p.371 ~ 378
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The clinical records have been studied from 517 diabetes subjects which were admitted to Severance Hospital during the period from Jan. 1968 to Aug. 1971 with special reference to urogenital complications. The results were as follows: 1) Among the 517 cases of diabetes mellitus, most frequent age distribution showed more than 50 years of age with 66% (329 cases) and next 40 to 50 years with 22% (126 cases). The ratio between male and female was 2 : 1 (male 352 : female 165). 2) The incidence rate of urogenital complications among 517 cases of diabetes mellitus was found in 13. 7% (71 cases). 3) The development of genitourinary complication was closely related to the duration of the diabetes. While only 38 cases (10. 3%) of 367 diabetics with duration of disease of less than 5 years showed genitourinary complication, 14 cases (33.3%) of 58 diabetics with history of more than 10 years manifested diabetic complication in genitourinary tract. 4) The lesions of genitourinary tract were found more frequently in women than in men. Seventy one patients of genitourinary complication were present in 43 of 352 men (12%) and 28 of 165 women (17. 5%). 5) Concerning the frequency of genitourinary complications (71 cases) in each disease, urinary infection was found in 46 cases (65%), Kimmelstiel-Wilson`s syndrome in 32 cases (45%), and only 2 cases of papillary necrosis, 3 cases of impotence and 2 cases of neurogenic bladder were observed. 6) In 71 cases of urogenital complication, the proteinuria was detected in 47 cases (66%), elevation of blood urea nitrogen level was 36 cases (50%) and positive result of urine culture was 12 cases with E. coli and aerobacter. 7) The frequency of urogenital complication in diabetes mellitus demands that a definite plan of urological investigation be included in its management. In many our cases, no specific questions relative to the genitourinary tract were asked in history taking. It is evident that the necessity of close cooperation between the physician and urologist in the management of diabetes mellitus. To attain the optimum results in the care of diabetes mellitus, consultation with the urologist is essential.


´ç´¢º´; ºñ´¢»ý½Ä±âÀûÇÕº´Áõ; diabetes mellitus; urogenital complication

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