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¿ø¹ß¼º ¹æ±¤¾ÏÀ°Á¾ 1·Êº¸°í Primary Carcinosarcoma of Urinary Bladder

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1972³â 13±Ç 2È£ p.121 ~ 126
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Ãֽ°­/Choi SK ÀÌÁø¹«/Á¶Á¤½Ç/±èÁöÇÑ/±èÁ¤¼÷/Lee JM/Cho JS/Kim JH/Kim JS


Carcinosarcoma is a rare malignant tumor of which component is both epithelial and stromal cells, i.e. carcinoma and sarcoma. It arises mostly in uterus and occasionally in breast, esophagus, ovary, 1ung and etc. Primary carcinosarcoma of urinary bladder, however, has been reported very rarely. The patient was 56year-old female whose complaints were total gross painful hematuria. pollakiuria and suprapubic palpable mass. Laboratory findings were Hg 8.5 gm/100 ml, WBC 8, 500/mms, and urinalysis disclosed numerous WBC, RBC and rare epithelial cells. An IVP showed nonfunctioning right kidney, and a cystogram revealed a large filling defect with remaining scanty normal shadow. Right nephrectomy, right ureterectomy and total cystectomy with left ureterocutaneostomy were done. Grossly, ladder was largely replaced by bulky protruding tumor mass with no capsulation, measuring approximately 6 cm in diameter. On cut section of the kidney, several foci of small papillomatous tumor growth were shown, and lower portion of the right ureter was filled with large bulky tumor mass Microscopically the lesions rare comprised of both carcinoma and sarcoma. Epithelial components formed nests, glands and tubules. Nuclei were large, pleomorphic, hyperchromatic and frequently mitotic. Hemorrhagic necrosis were present at some portions within the tumor mass. Mesencymal cells were spindle shaped and pleomorphic, occasionally giantic and plumping. Electronmicroscopic study and areview of literature were made.


¹æ±¤Á¾¾ç; ¾ÏÀ°Á¾; bladder carcinosarcoma

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