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°íȯÁ¾¾çÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Clinical Observation on Testicular Tumors

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1972³â 13±Ç 3È£ p.175 ~ 181
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"Fourteen cases of testicular tumors admitted to the Department of Urology, Yonsei University Collage of Medicine during the period from Jan. 1962 to Aug. 1972 were studied and following results were obtained. 1. During the period, 1,444 male cases hospitalized, there were 14 cases of testicular tumors, giving a rate of 0.98%. 2. Among 198 cases of male genitourinary tract tumors, there were 14 cases of testicular tumors with a rate of 7.1% 3. Age distribution was between 4 and 56 years, showing the highest incidence in 20 to 29 years (35.7%), and 12 cases between 20 to 50 years occupied 85.7%. 4. Following symptoms could be found in patient; scrotal mass in 43%, palpable abdominal mass in 36%, scrotal pain in 28 %, and other symptoms. 5. The average duration of symptoms on admission to the hospital was 6 months. 6. There were 7 cases in the right (50%), 6 cases in the left (43%) and one case bilateral testicle. 7. There were 4 cases (28.6%) with metastasis on admission; 2 cases in inguinal lymph node. one case individually in lung and lumbar lymph node. 8. Among 14 testicular tumors, 3 cases arose in cryptorchid testicle; 2 cases in the left and in bilateral cryptorchid testicle, 2 were seminoma and one embryonal cell ca. 9. There were 7 cases of seminoma (50%). 3 cases of embryonal cell carcinoma (21.4%), and one case individually rhabdomyosarcoma, reticulum cell sarcoma, teratoma, and multiple cyst. 10. All cases were treated as surgery and/or irradiation."


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