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½ÅºÎºÐÀýÁ¦¼úÀ» ½ÃÇàÇÑ ½Å¹è°Ô½ÇÀÇ 1 Ä¡Çè·Ê A Case of Calyceal Diverticlum Treated by Partial Nephrectomy

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1973³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.71 ~ 74
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À̱¤Æò/Lee KP ±è°ø/±èâ±¹/Kim K/Kim CK


Authors present here in a calyceal diverticulum complicated by chronic pyelonephritis, which was diagnosed on urinalysis, IVP, RGP and symptoms. Partial nephrectomy was done and confirmation was made by specimen gross findings and biopsy. The microscopic findings are as follows: The lining epithelium of the inner surface of the cystically dilated calyx is made up of transitional epithelial cells. The epithelium in the areas is eroded. The subepithelial interstitial tissue is fibrotic and infilterated with large numbers of chronic inflammatory cells, which also invade the underlying renal parenchyma.


½Å¹è°Ô½Ç; ºÎºÐÀû½ÅÀûÃâ¼ú; calyceal diverticulum

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