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³²ÀÚºÒÀÓȯÀÚÀÇ Á¤»óÇǼ¼Æ÷ÀÇ ÀüÀÚÇö¹Ì°æÀû °üÂû An Electron Microscopic Observation on Germinal Epithelium of Infertile Men

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1974³â 15±Ç 3È£ p.211 ~ 218
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±è¼¼Ã¶/Kim SC ¼­¼ºÅ¹/Suh ST


The changes in the germinal epithelium of 27 azoospermic patients were studied by light and electron microscope. And a brief clinical observation was also made. The results obtained were as follows, 1) The two thirds of 27 cases were in the age group of 26 to 35. Fifteen cases (55.6%) were in the 2nd to 5th year of their marriages. The tendency of decreasing in tuberculous disease, gonorrhea and mumps was observed in their past history. The average volume of seminal fluid was 2.4ml in amount 2) Light microscopically, spermatogenic arrest was found in 22 cases, and followed by germinal tell aplasia in 3 and hypospermatogenesis in 2. Fifteen of 22 cases of spermatogenic arrest were relatively advanced. Two of 3 cases of germinal cell aplaeia were found in the older age group of 35 to 40, and both of two cases of hypospermatogenesis in the younger age group of 21 to 25. 3) On electron microscopic observation in the hypospermatogenesis, increase in number and mild vacuolar dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum and increase in number of lysosomes in the spermatocytes, and deformities and swelling of acrosomes and vacuolization of nucleoplasm in the spermatocytes, but no significant changes were seen in the spermatogonia and the Sertoli cells. 4) In the spermatogenic arrest, severe degenerative changes such as condensation of chromatin, occurrence of electron dense round bodies, and inapparent cell organells were observed in the spermatocytes. Mild to moderate degenerative changes such as increase in number and dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum, deformities, swelling or atrophy. and decrease in number of cristae of mitochondria were seen in the spermstogonia and the Sertoli cells 5) In the germinal cell aplasia, progressive and degenerative changes such as marked increase in number. vacuolar dilatation, and irregular arrangement of endoplasmic reticulum. marked deformities. swelling, vacuolization, and loss of cristae of mitochondria, and increase in number of lysosomes were noticed.


ºÒÀÓÁõ; °íȯ»ý°Ë; male infertility; germinal epithelium; electron mi

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