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ºñ´¢»ý½Ä±â ¾Ç¼ºÁ¾¾çȯÀÚ¿¡ À־ ¸»ÃÊÇ÷¾×ÀÓÆı¸¼ö ¹× DNCB Á¢ÃË°¨ÀÛ¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ÇǺΰú¹Î¹ÝÀÀ¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿© Peripheral Lymphocyte Counts and Abnormalities of Quantitative D. N. C. B. Sensitization in Urogenital Malignant Tumors.

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1975³â 16±Ç 3È£ p.141 ~ 148
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±è¼¼Ã¶/Kim SC


Seventy five cases of urogenital malignant tumors were reviewed in regard to the survival, therapy and peripheral lymphocyte counts. Cellular immunity was also investigated in 15 cases of them by assessing their cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity responses to dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), compared with controls. I. The incidence of lymphopenia in the urogenital malignant tumors (20. 6%) was higher than that in the control group(10.0%). Most cases with lymphopenia showed poor survival, and data suggested that peripheral lymphocyte count was a useful parameter to estimate the prognosis of the urogenital malignant tumors. 2. Surgical treatments caused a temporal decrease of circulating lymphocyte counts by 27.6% which recovered to normal value within 4 weeks, and high dosage radiation therapy brought about persistent and higher degree of decrease of peripheral lymphocyte by 47.9% which persisted for up 1-2 years. 3. Cancer patients had a lower incidence of positive reaction (73.3% vs. 93.4% in controls)in investigation of cellular immune responses using quantitative DNCB contact sensitization. There may be a significant relationship between tumor stage and reactivity to DNCB in bladder cancers.


ºñ´¢»ý½Ä±âÁ¾¾ç; µð¿£¾¾ºñ°Ë»ç; DNCB; urogenital tumor; lymphocyte

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