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ÃâÇ÷¼º ½Å³¶Á¾ 1·Ê A Case of Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst.

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1975³â 16±Ç 3È£ p.161 ~ 164
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Áø±æ³²/Chin GN Á¶´ëÇà/À±±âÇå/±èÇмö/Á¶¿ë±Ô/Cho DH/Youn KH/Kim HS/Cho YK


We have experienced an unusual case of hemorrhagic renal cyst in the rt. kidney at 58 years old woman. The Rt. kidney was enlarged, and showed a few subcapsular ischemic areas The color of kidney was dark brown. As the cyst at lower pole of rt. kidney was dissected, hemorrhagic fluid visualized in the cystic cavity. The final pathologic finding was renal cyst associated with malignant change and renal cell carcinoma at another renal parenchyma. Herein, hemorrhagic renal cyst, a rare clinical entity, was reported with review of literatures.


½ÅÀå; ³¶Æ÷¼ºÁúȯ; ÃâÇ÷¼º; hemorrhagic renal cyst

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