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¹æ±¤À̹°ÀÇ Ä¡Çè 2·Ê Two Cases of Foreign Bodies in the Bladder

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1975³â 16±Ç 4È£ p.243 ~ 246
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À±´ö±â/Yoon DK ±è¼®Èñ/ÁÖ±Ù¿ø/Kim SH/Choo KW


We discovered two plastic tubes which were used as masturbating tools in the bladder. The following is a report of two young boys who slipped plastic tubes into the bladder through the urethra for the purpose of masturbation and lost them in the bladder while attempting to remove them. Case 1. : Y. D. S., 18 years-old, Admitted because of hematuria for 5 days. Cystoscopically, the bladder showed diffuse hyperemia and a coiled calcified plastic tube. It was removed by operation. The length of the tube was 0.58m and the diameter was O.4 cm. Case 2. ; K. S. K., 18 years-old. Admitted because of urinary incontinence for 4 months. Cystoscopically. the bladder showed diffuse hyperemia and a coiled calcified plastic tube. It was removed by surgical operation. The length of the tube was 1.2m and the diameter was 0.5cm.


¹æ±¤; À̹°Áú; À̹°; ¹æ±¤³»; foreign body; bladder

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