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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1976³â 17±Ç 1È£ p.25 ~ 33
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"In evaluation of primary hyperparathyroidism, one of the important causative diseases of urinary calculi, it is the prerequisite to determine the values of serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus along with the studies of clinical symptoms and signs, radiologic findings and other laboratory tests. The author obtained the following results through investigation of serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus in normal Koreans and urologic patients as the first step of research on the primary hyperparathyroidism. 1. Value of serum calcium in normal Koreans was 4.9%0.6 mEq/l, and no differences in sex and age distributions were noted. Serum inorganic phosphorus showed 3.5+=0.8mg% in value, without any noticeable differences in sex distribution, and slightly higher value was noted in age group of under 20. 2. Values of serum calcium in out-patient group were within normal limit without regard to diseases and sex 3. In the in-patient group, lower value of serum calcium and higher value of inorganic phosphorus were noted in the renal failure group, and slightly higher value of inorganic phosphorus was seen in the obstruction group. 4. There was noted a mild inverse correlation between values of serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus."


ÀüÇØÁú±ÕÇü; Primary hyperparathyroidism; serum calcium

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