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³²ÀÚºÒÀÓ¼úÀÇ °³°ü An Overview of Male Sterilization

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1976³â 17±Ç 1È£ p.49 ~ 62
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ÀÌÈñ¿µ/Lee HY


"Vasectomy as a male sterilization has become increasingly popular as one of methods of planned parenthood in many countries including Korea. In this presentation the subject of an overview of male sterilization consists of mainly technical aspects of the ordinary vasectomy and vasovasostomy. the principle of vasectomy is same but some many different technics have been reported and utilized. specific differences are found in technics for immobilizing the vas for making the scrotal incision. for treating the cut ends of vasa, and for removing segments of vas Therefore the author discusses some important factors so as to provide complete protection against the passage of sperm without any failure and to improve the chances of later reversibility according to his experiences of over 7000 vasectomies and 200 vasovasostomis. In the part of ordinary vasectomy procedure, various items such as ideal operative level local anesthesia immobilization of the vas skin incision isolation for the vas treatments of the cut ends of vas prevention of hematoma formation disappearance rate of residual sperm immediate sterility technic complication psychological effects and antibodies following vasectomy are reviewed. In the part of vasovasostomy numerous factors such as operative technics splint various factors for the successful operation overall success rates and low pregnancy rates are discussed and compared with the author`s series."


Á¤°üÀýÁ¦¼ú; Á¤°üÁ¤°ü¹®ÇÕ¼ú; male; sterilization

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