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½ÅÁÖÀ§ °¡¼º³¶Á¾ 1·Ê Pararenal Pseudocyst : Report of a Case

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1976³â 17±Ç 2È£ p.141 ~ 144
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±èÁøÀÏ/Kim JI ÀÌÈ£¿¬/ä¼öÀÀ/±èÅÂÁø/Lee HY/Chai SE/Kim TJ


"Pararenal pseudocyst is a collection of fluid within the renal fascia outside the renal capsule and a relatively rare clinical entity which commonly occur as a result of trauma. either accidental or operative. Histologically, the wall is composed mostly of dense collagenous fibrous connective tissue. with no cellular elements capable of cyst formation. A case of pararenal pseudocyst associated with renal hypertension developed in 6 year-old boy after blunt abdominal trauma was reported."


½ÅÁÖÀ§°¡¼º³¶Á¾; pararenal pseudocyst

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