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¹æ±¤ÀÇ ºñÀÌÇ༼Æ÷Á¾¾ç Non-transitional Cell Bladder Tumors

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 18±Ç 1È£ p.11 ~ 17
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±è¼®Èñ/Kim SH


Although it has been estimated that from 90 to 95% of all vesical neoplasms are of epithelial origin, and about 80% or more of carcinomas of the bladder are of transitional cell type, pratically all of the other constituents of the bladder have been known to give rise to benign and malignant tumors. A clinical observation was made on the non-transitional cell bladder tumors of the patients in the department of urology, Seoul National University Hospital during the period from 1966 to April, 1976.
The following results were obtained:

1) During the period, 3699 patients were hospitalized, there were 293 cases of bladder tumors giving a rate of 7.9%.

2) Among 187 cases of bladder tumors there were 15 cases of non-transitional bladder tumors with a rate of 8%.

3) Age distribution was between 28 and 76 years.

4) Following symptoms could be found, hematuria in 93%, frequency 40%, dysuria 33% and other symptoms.

5) Squamous cell carcinoma was observed on 8 cases (4. 3%), adenocarcinoma 3(1. 6%), metastatic carcinoma 2 (1.0%), malignant lymphoma 1 (0. 5%).

6) Segmental resection was performed in 5 cases, total cystectomy 4, TUC 2 cases. Radiation and chemotherapy were combined in special cases.

7) 3 patients with squamous cell carcinoma died within 1 year after treatment.


¹æ±¤Á¾¾ç; ºñÀÌÇ༼Æ÷Á¾¾ç; bladder tumor; non-transitional cell bladder tumor

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