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´Ù¹ß¼º °ñ¼öÁ¾ ·Ê¿¡ ¿Â ±Þ¼º½ÅºÎÀüÁõ Acute Renal Failure in a Case of Multiple Myeloma

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 18±Ç 1È£ p.59 ~ 65
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¿ìÅÂÇü/Woo TH À±¼®ÀÎ/¹ÚÅ¿õ/Á¤±¤¼ö/±è¿µ¼ö/Youn SI/Park TW/Chung KS/Kim YS


Recently we have experienced a case of multiple myeloma associated with acute renal failure in 42 year-old female patient. The patient does not have specific causes for the acute renal failure but proceeding pneumonia was noted. We could confirm multiple myeloma by Bence-Jones proteinuria, serum electrophoresis, typical skull lateral view and sternal bone marrow findings. Increased urinary output were followed by the combinations of peritoneal dialysis and administration of Melphalan and the alkalization of the urine. Neither side effect nor complication was developed during or after treatment.


´Ù¹ß¼º°ñ¼öÁ¾; ½ÅºÎÀü; acute renal failure; multiple myeloma

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