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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 18±Ç 2È£ p.123 ~ 128
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À±Á¾º´/Yoon JB À±ÁøÇÑ/Yoon JH


Following results were obtained from the study on the distribution of segment arteries, the shape of collecting system and the correlation between collecting system and segment arteries using latex cast technique in normal kidneys of Korean.
1. In the cast of renal artery in normal kidney, renal artery divides into an anterior and posterior division.

The anterior division gives rise to 3 segment arteries, i. e., upper, middle and lower segment arteries,

while the posterior one continues and supplies only the posterior segment artery.

2. In the cast of collecting system, renal pelvis shows cone shape in general and it may be classified as fusiform and cylindrical forms. Major and minor calyces can be also classified as fusiform and cylindrical forms.

3. In the relationship between the cast of segment artery and that of collecting system, anterior branches divided from 3 segment arteries run in radiating from the anterior portion of pelvis, while posterior segment anterior portion of pelvis, while posterior segment artery crosses posterior portion of pelvis and supplies around superior major calyces.

4. In the view of above findings care should be given for the possibility of the injury to the posterior

segment artery in the exposure of posterior portion of pelvis when pelvis, major and minor calyces reveal

cylindrical forms on I.V.P.


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