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¿©¼º¿äµµ¿°¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Àü±â¼ÒÀÛ¿ä¹ýÀÇ È¿°ú¿¡ °üÇÑ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Clinical Evaluation of the Transurethral Electrofulguration on Female Urethritis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1977³â 18±Ç 3È£ p.259 ~ 267
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±èÁøÀÏ/Kim JI ±èÅÂÁø/Kim TJ


During the period from October 1, 1973 to September 31, 1976, 227 cases of female urethritis, confirmed by endoscopy, classified four groups by endoscopic findings and studied clinically according to groups respectively. And also the effects of the transurethral electrofulguration on the female urethritis (Groups III and IV) were evaluated. The following results were obtained.
1) The endoscopic classifications were as follows.

Group I : Almost normal urethra and bladder neck or with very mild mucosal changes, 13 cases.

Group II : Mild granular hyperemia of the urethral mucosa with almost normal bladder neck, 55 cases.

Group III : Marked bullous and granular hyperemia of the urethral mucosa and mild bullous bladder neck with a few pseudopolyps, 86 cases.

Group IV : Marked bullous and granular hyperemia of the urethra and marked bullous bladder neck with many pseudopolyps, 73 cases.

2) Of 227 cases, 79 (34.8%) were observed most frequently in the groups of 31~40 years of age.

3) Common urinary symptoms were frequency 69.2%, tenesmus 61.7%, urgency 26%, dysuria 14.5%, painful urination 14.5%, small urinary stream 11.0%, hesitancy 10.5%, terminal hematuria 9.7%. Terminal hematuria was more commonly observed in Groups III and IV rather than Groups I and II. Non-urinary symptoms were suprapubic discomfort 33.5%, lumbago 20.3%, headache 9.3%, general weakness 7.5%.

4) Of 227 cases, 147 (64.8%) were normal urinalysis (Albumin (-), Sugar (-), below 5 WBC/HPF AND 3 RBC/HPF) and 187 (82.4%) were bacteriologically negative on Gram¢¥s stain.

5) On cystoscopy, the most frequently observable bladder change was trabeculation (More than 60% in all Gruops) In almost all cases of the bladder trabeculation, there were always mederate or remarkable changes in the urethral and in the bladder neck.

6) 23 out of 159 cases in Group III and IV, were treated with transurethral electrofulgulation, urethral instillation, urethral dilation, if necessary.

Of 23 cases, 22 (more than 95%) were completely cured or improved. But in Groups III and IV cases, treated with only conservative method, failure rates of the treatment were 25.7%, 22.2% respectively.


¿©¼º¿äµµÁõÈıº; female urethritis; transurethral electrofulguration

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