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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 19±Ç 1È£ p.1 ~ 6
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¾çÀ±±¸/Yang YG ±èÇÑÁø/Kim HJ


10 patients with blunt renal trauma have been studied and compared by the excretory urography and renal angiography in the Department of Urology, National Medical Center, Seoul, during the period of January 1976 through June 1977.
The following results were obtained :

1) Renal angiography is a more specific diagnostic procedure than the excretory urography in detailing the extent of injury. And it provides more opportunity of a high salvage rate of injured kidney.

2) In a normal excretory urography, renal angiography need not do in deciding surgical management of renal injury.

3) The result of positive renal angiograms was especially great in patients showing any of the following urographic abnormalities; non-or poor visualization and extravasation of contrast media.

4) Surgical intervention was done in only one patient of renal thrombosis.


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