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¿ä·Î°á¼®¿¡ °üÇÑ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû A Clinical Observation of Urolithiasis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 19±Ç 2È£ p.125 ~ 133
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¼Û»óÀÏ/Song SI ÀÌÁöº¹/Lee JB


During 3 years, from January 1973 to December 197S, clinical observation was done on 83 patients who admitted our hospital because of urolithiasis. Also of that, 43 cases were analyzed with chemical method.
1) Among 333 in-patients, 83 cases(24. 6%) were patients of urolithiasis, and male to female ratio was 2.1 : 1.

2) Age of patient ranges from 21-40 in 60%

3) On seasonal distribution, occurrence was prevalent in summer(32. 5%)

4) Ureteral stones are 64 cases (77. 1%), and upper urinary stones were almost noted.(94 %)

5) Among uretal stones, 47 cases(74.5%) were located on lower 1/3 ureter.

6) In the aspect on number of calculi, 47 cases(73. 5%) were single. Most common size was below 0.5cm in diameter and round or oval stones were prevalent in shapes, Among renal stones 14 cases(41. 6%) were staghorn type.

7) Patient complained of flank pain in 72 cases (93. 0%), hematuria in 33 cases(42. 5%), nausea and vomiting in 26 cases (32.8%) and general weakness in 13 cases(16. 4%). In the lower urinary stones, bladder irritability sign was the chief complaint.

8) Microhematuria was seen in 56 cases(77. 1%), and in 40 cases(47%) pyuria was shown.

9) In the upper urinary stones, marked hydronephrotic change and functional deterioration were detected in 87.2% on I.V.P study.

10) In 30 cases(37. 3%) of uroilthiasis, leukocytosis was shown.

11) Most frequent surgical intervention was ureterolithotomy(34 cases; 41.0%)

12) Calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate were most common,(41%) On the chemical component of stones, phosphate stone(72. 8%), oxalate stone(60.6%) and carbonate stone (10. 3%) were prevalent.


¿ä°á¼®Áõ; urolithiasis

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