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ÀüÀ§ ¿ä°ü±¸ 2·Ê Cases of Ectopic Ureteral Orifice

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 19±Ç 2È£ p.171 ~ 176
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ÀÌÇпµ/Lee HY ±è¼ºÃ¶/ÀÌÁø¹«/Kim SC/Lee JM


We herein present a case of left ectopic ureteral orifice to the vagina with single kidney in a 2 year old girl and a case of left ectopic ureteral orifice to the vaginal vestibule associated with left complete double ureter in a 18 year old girl with review of related literatures. They have suffered fromurinary leakage while normal voiding since birth without other urinary symptoms. The 2 year old girl was treated with left ureterocystostomy in Paquin`s method and the other girl was treated with left heminephrectomy.


À̼Ҽº¿ä°ü; ectopic ureteral orifice

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