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½Å¿Ü»óÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû Clinical Observation of Renal Injury

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 19±Ç 4È£ p.321 ~ 326
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¹ÎÀå½Ä/Min JS ¹Îº´°©/Min BK


Clinical feature and treatment of renal injury during our 6 year experience with 29 patients were presented. The result was as follow:
1. About four times as many men as women sustained this injury and about two thirds (65.5%) of these occurred between the age of 11-40.

2. The most common cause of renal injury was traffic accident and the next were labor accident and kick and blow.

3. Associated injuries were occurred in 5 patients.

4. Renal wounds were classified as contusions (9 patients), mild ruptures (5 patients), moderate ruptures (5 patients), severe ruptures (6 patients) and lacerations (4 patients).

5.Conserative management was for most of the contusion and rupture, and nephrectomy for laceration as the principals. Operations were performed in 11 patients; nephrectomy in 9 patients, repair of renal capsule in 1 and exploration alone in 1.


¼Õ»ó; ½ÅÀå; renal injury

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