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ºñ´¢±â°èÅë À°¾ÈÀû Ç÷´¢ÀÇ ¿øÀΰú ±× ºóµµ Frequency and Etiology of Gross Hematuria in an Urinary Tract

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1978³â 19±Ç 6È£ p.545 ~ 554
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°ø¿µ¿ì/Kong YW ±è±â¼ö/Kim KS


Gross hematuria is most frequently used to describe the findings of blood-stained urine. Virtually inexhaustible literature has been accumulated emphasizing the important of gross hematuria as a signpost pointing to lesions of greater hazard especially in the urinary tract. A statistical survey was made on gross hematuria of the in-patients at the department of Urology of Sacred Heart Hospital for past 7 years. (1971-1977)
Results are as follows:

1. During the period of 7 years. 218 cases ( 18.7 %) were found to be gross hematuria among 1166 cases hospitalized. Of the 218 patients there were 161 males and 57 females, 2.8:1 in ratio.

2. Etiology of the 218 cases with gross hematuria showed the highest in urinary tract tumor 65 cases (29.8 %) U-T calculus 64 cases (29.4 %). U-T infection 36 cases (16.5 %), U-T obstruction 9 cases (4.1 %) and ether 3 cases (1.4 %) in order.

3. Diagnosis in 218 cases with gross hematuria showed highest in bladder tumor 51 cases (23.4 %) ureteral stone 48 cases ( 22.0 %), and pyelonephritis 12 cases ( 5.5 %) in order.

4. The site of bleeding in 218 cases with gross hematuria was in the kidney 35.8 %. bladder 29.4 %, ureter 22.0 % and urethra 5.1 %.

5. Most frequent incidences of gross hematuria were found to be inflammation in child age group (under 20), calculus and inflammation in middle aged group (21-40) and tumor in older male but inflammation in older female group (over 41).


Ç÷´¢; gross hematuria

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