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±Þ¼º½Å¿ì½Å¿°ÀÇ ¹è¼³¼º¿ä·ÎÃÔ¿µ¼ú ¼Ò°ß¿¡ °üÇÑ °üÂû Observation on the Findings of Excretory Urogram During Acute Pyelonephritis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 20±Ç 1È£ p.49 ~ 53
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¾È¼ö¿µ/Ahn SY Á¶ÀçÈï/Cho JH


"16 patients with acute pyelonephritis took excretory urogram during their sick period, from March 1975 until February 1978. The following results were obtained after analysis of the findings. 1) Abnormal findings were observed in 6 cases (37%) out of the 16 cases and other 10 cases ( 63%) had the findings within normal limit. 2) In abnormal 6 cases, there were 1 male and 5 female and their age is ranging from 27 to 72, right side was involved in 4 and left in 2 cases. 3) Among abnormal 6 cases, one case had 3 abnormal findings, each of another 2 cases had 2 and the other 3 cases had only 1. 4) Abnormal findings consist of delayed caliceal appearance time in 3 cases, decreased density in 2, renal enlargement in 2, dilatation of collecting system in 2 and caliceal distortion in 1."


¹è¼³¼º¿ä·ÎÁ¶¿µ¼ú; ½Å¿ì½Å¿°; excretory urogram; acute pyelonephritis

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