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ºÎ°íȯ¿° 107·Ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû Clinical Observation on 101 Cases of Epididymitis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 20±Ç 2È£ p.191 ~ 198
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Á¤º´µ¿/Chung BD


"Epididymitis is the most common of all the intrascrotal inflammations. It is mainly a disease of adults, and only rarely affects the prepubertal child. 107 cases of epididymitis seen during the period from January 1975 to June 1978 were studied. Clinically and the following results were obtained. 1. Incidence of epididymitis is 14.72% of all urological diseases of all in patients. 2. Lateralization shows 35.5% in the Right, 43% in the Left and 21.5% in the both. 3. The site of invasions is the most popular in the tail(50.7%). 4. The etiologic factors are observed the infection(non-specific 37.7%. Tuberculosis 20.8%) trauma (post-surgical 13.8%, injury 10.8%), and idiopathic(16.9%). 5. The surgical procedure followed by epididymitis is the most common in the hydrocelectomy (22.2%), next in the vasectomy(16.7%). Of presenting symptom, painful epididymal swelling is observed in 37.1%, painless epididymal swelling 16.7 %, inguinal dragging pain 258 and fever 6.8%. 6. The operation indicated in the epididymal mass(35.5%), scrotal fistular and abscess formation(22.6%), severe scrotal pain(19.4%), recurrent infection(16.1%) and epididymorchitis(6.4%). 7. In 76 cases of them conservative management are performed and in 31 cases of them surgical management are performed. The surhical procedure is the most common in partial epididymectomy(19.4%). 8. The epididymal open biopsy for differential diagnosis on the scrotal swelling are performed in 26 cases of the outpatients. The tuberculous epididymitis is the most common(26.9%), 9. The postoperative complication is noted the further increased epididymal induration in 16.1%, oligospermia in 9.7%, persistent inguinal dragging pain in 6.6% and wound infection in 3.2%. 10. The duration of hospitalization are average 15 days but on the surgical cases, within 2-3weeks are noted in 38.7%. On the conservative management cases, more than 4 weeks are noted in 28.9%."


ºÎ°íȯ¿°; epididymitis

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