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½Å½ÇÁú Àý°³¿Í ½ÅºÎºÐÀýÁ¦¼ú 49·Ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÀÓ»ó°üÂû Clinical Observation of Parenchymal Incision and/or Partial Nephrectomy

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 20±Ç 3È£ p.277 ~ 282
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ÀÌÀÀ»ó/Lee ES ÀÓ¼ö±æ/Lim SK


"A clinical observation was made on 49 cases of renal parenchymal incision: and/or partial nephrectomy in Department of Urology, Catholic Medical College, during the period from January 1969 to August 1978. The results were as follow ; 1. Patients who underwent renal parenchymal incision and /or partial nephrectomy were renal stone in 33 cases, staghorn calculi in 9 cases, renal tuberculosis in 2 cases, double pelvis in 2 cases, renal carbuncle in 1 case, polycystic kidney in 1 case and simple cyst in 1 case. 2. As methods of renal parenchymal surgery. Partial nephrectomy in 22 cases, nephrolithotomy in 22 cases, nephrolithotomy in 20 cases, bisection in 8 cases and renal cystectomy in 2 cases, were performed. 3. Postoperative complications were 10 cases of delayed bleeding ( 19.2 %), 9 residual stone ( 17.3 % ), 2 wound infection ( 3.84 % ), 2 pyonephrosis ( 3.84 % ), 2 urinary fistula ( 3.84 %), 2 early bleeding ( 3,84 % ), 2 uremia (3.84 %) and one case of death caused sepsis. 4. Among 6 cases of secondary nephrectomy due to postoperative complication 5 cases were caused by delayed bleeding and one case by pyonephrosis."


½ÅÀû¼®¼ú; ºÎºÐÀû½ÅÀûÃâ¼ú; partial nephrectomy; renal parenchymal incision

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