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¿äµµÇÏ¿­ÀÇ °¢Á¾ ¼ö¼ú¹æ¹ý ¹× ±× ¹æ¹ý Various Operative Methods and Results in Hypospadias

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 20±Ç 3È£ p.295 ~ 307
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±è¼®Ãâ/Kim SC À±Á¾º´/Yoon JB


"Authors performed the chordectomy using Blair, Byars and Glenn-Anderson method,
the urethroplasty with Denis-Browne-Crawford method and one-stage repair of hypospadia with Allen-Spence method. The following results are obtained from 40 cases of urethroplasty and 10 cases of one-stage repair of hypospadia which were done in the Department of Urology, Busan National Univ. Hospital during recent 7yrs (`71 ~ 77). The results were as follows : 1. The most common age group of hypospadia was observed in 11-20 year old ( 40.0 %) and that of less than 5 year old was only 12.0 %. 2. The most common type of hypospadia was observed in ponoscrotal type ( 26. 0 % ) while the hypospadia without chordee was 2. 0 %. 3.

The most common anomaly associated with hypospadia was cryptorchism (40. 0 %). 4. Average of the period of postoperative hospitalization was 9.5 days in chordectomy. 10.8 days in urethroplasty and 10.2 days in one-stage repair of hypospadia. The interval between chordectomy and urethroplasty was 13.9 months. 5. Average of the period of postoperative urethral catheterization was 7.6 days in chordectomy, 3.2 days in urethroplasty and 7.5 days in one - stage repair of hypospadia. 6. The postoperative complications were 2 cases of persistent chordee in Blair method, 1 case of fistula and 3 cases of stricture in Denis- Drowne-Crawford urethroplasty and 2 cases of fistula in one - stage repair of hypospadia. The success rate was 91.9 % in Blair method. 100 % in Byars method and Glenn-Anderson method, 90.0 % in Denis - Browne - Crawford urethroplasty and 80.0 % in one stage repair of hypospadia."


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