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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 20±Ç 4È£ p.426 ~ 429
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±èÈñ°æ/Kim HK ±è¼¼Ã¶/Kim SC


"A case of presacral inflammatory cyst occurring in a 22 year old male soldier is presented. He complained of lower abdominal pain and tenderness, intermittent severe back pain and flank pain, intermittent chill and fever, frequency, dysuria, G-I trouble Excretory urogram showed mild pyelocalyectasis of left kidney and medial displacement of left pelvic ureter. On colon enema sigmoid showed smooth round displacement to midline, and marked anterior displacement of rectum was found. On cystoscopic examination 5F ureteral catheter couldn`t be passed over above 2 Cm, from left ureteral orifice with marked resistance. Presacral inflammatory cyst was found in exploration laparotomy by transperitoneal approach, and excision with drainage was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful and pelvic ureter restored its natural coures."


õ°ñÀü¹æ°¡³¶Á¾; presacral inflammatory cyst deviation

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