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À½³¶³» ÆóÈíÃæÁõ 1·Êº¸°í A Case of Ectopic Paragonimus Westermani in the Scrotum

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 20±Ç 4È£ p.430 ~ 434
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³²±Ã°ß/Namkoong K ±è½ÃȲ/ÁöÁ¦±Ù/ÇÔÀDZÙ/Kim SW/Chi JG/Ham EK


"Though the lung is the main site of infection with Paragonimus Westermani, during the migration periods of the larva, any place of the body including brain, orbit, liver, intestinal wall, diaphragm, subcutaneous tissues, and etc. may be infected with the larva. But the ectopic Paragonimus westermani in the scrotum is very rare instance. Recently, we found an ectopic Paragonimus westermani in the scrotum from 55 years old male patient who admitted to our hospital under the impression of scrotal mass. Although the histopathological findings bore some resemblance to the changes of the infection with tuberculosis, the definite clue in differentiation from tuberculosis was the discovery of the adult worm and eggs of the Paragonimus westermani in the lesions."


ÆóÈíÃæÁõ; À½³¶; ectopic paragonimus westermani; scrotum

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