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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1979³â 20±Ç 5È£ p.450 ~ 457
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À̸éÁø/Lee MJ


"The incidence of complications has greatly increased in proportion to the modernized and sophisticated urologic techniques. The following are the results of a clinical survey made for the operations and ensuing complications among the in-patients at the Department of Urology, Han Yang University Hospital during the period of May 1972-May 1978. 1. The operated cases were 840 out of 1160 hospitalized patients, giving a ration of 72.4%. 2. The methods of anesthesia were as follows ; General endotracheal anesthesia 648 (77. 1%), Spinal anesth. 72 (8.6%), Local anesth. 72 (8.6%), and Caudal anesth. 29(3.5%) 3. Total numbers of complications were 120 complications were noted among 42 cases of urethra operation. 27 cases of bladder operation. 15 cases of kidney operation, and so on. 4. Organ distribution of this complication were as follow ; kidney 15. ureter 12, bladder 27, prostate 4, urethra 42, and scrotum and its contents were 12. 5. The most commonly observed complication vas wound abscess which occurred in 25 cases (20.8%) out of the total number of 120 complications, eventhough each operation has its specific finding of complication."


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