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¹æ±¤¾Ï¿¡ À־ÀÇ ±¹¼ÒÀû Ç×¾ÏÇ×»ýÁ¦ÀÇ È¿°ú Intravesical Chemotherpy in Superficial Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder Preliminary Report

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 21±Ç 1È£ p.30 ~ 34
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ÀÌ»óÀº/Lee SE ±è¿µ±Õ/Kim YK


"Eight patients with superficial stage O or A transitional cell carcinoma and l patient with infiltrating stage B2 or C transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder were treated with intravesical bleomycin sulfate every S or 7 Jays for 8 treatments. No hematologic, skin reaction and pulmonary fibrosis were observed in all patients. Doxorubicia hydrochloride was combined in l patient and definitive radiotherapy was added in the case with infiltrating transitional cell carcinoma, who was not a candidate for radical surgery. F0110w_up cystoscopy and urine cytology should be done with at least 3 months interval in proof of effectiveness of intravesical chemotherapy. The possibility of obtaining even temporary regression and pronounced palliative effects or permanent cure using intravesical chemotherapy should not be underestimated and its clinical trial in superficial bladder tumor should be considered along with surgical therapy. General concept of intravesical chemotherapy is reviewed and discussed."
Key Word : transitional cell carcinoma, bladder"


¹æ±¤Á¾¾ç; È­Çпä¹ý; ¹æ±¤³»; intravesical chemotherapy

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