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¸¸¼ºÀü¸³¼±¿°¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû Clinical Observation on Chronic Prostatitis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 21±Ç 1È£ p.40 ~ 45
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±è½ÅÁÖ/Kim SJ ÇÑ¿µÅÃ/Han YT


"1 clinic3I observation was made on 112 cases of chronic prostatitis during the period from January 197S to June l979. The following results were obtained. 1). Age distribution was between 20 and SO years old, showing the highest incidence in 31 to 35 years (31.3%) and the next in 36-40 years (18.6%). 2) Previous diseases were acute or chronic urethritis on 78 cases (69.S%), epididymitis on S cases (5.4%). pulmonary tuberculosis on Z cases (1.8%), bronchitis on I case (0.9%). 3) Subjective symptoms were in order of frequency, dysuria, perineal discomfort and testicular discomfort. i4 cases =12. 5%J were free of symptoms. 4) On rectal palpation of prostate, 60 cases 153.6%J were firm, 22 cases (l9.6%) indurated, 3 cases (2.7%) nodular and 26 cases =23.2%J soft. 78 cases were normal. 29 cases enlarged and 5 cases small in size. 5) In urine examination, 28 cases (25.9%) showed W.B.C. more than 5/HPF and 28 cases (17.9 %) R.B.C. more than 5/HPF. 79 cases (70. S%) were within normal limit. Prostatic fluid was within normal limit in 38 cases (33.S%) and in 74 cases (66.1%) W.B.C. were more than 10/HPF. 6) In 20 cases performing prostatic fluid culture, staphylococcus epidermis was isolated in 5 cases, E. Coli in 2 cases, streptococcus in l case, staphylococcus aureus in l case and Klebsiella in 1 case. Microorganisms were not cultured in 10 cases. 7) The period of treatment was from Z weeks to 16 weeks."


Àü¸³¼±¿°; chronic prostatitis

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