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¼º ºÐÈ­Àå¾Ö 60·Ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû A Clinical Observatien on 60 Cases of Disorders of Sexual Differentiation

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 21±Ç 1È£ p.52 ~ 58
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±è¼ºÁø/Kim SJ ¿ÕÁ¾¼ø/Wang CS


"From the stand point of understanding the pathophysiology of abnormalities in sexual development, disorders can be categorized as resulting from derangements in any of the 3 principal processes involved in sexual differentiation, namely, disorders of genetic sex, disorders of gonadal sex, and disorders of phenotypic sex. During the last 5 years we have found 60 cases of disorders of sexual differentiation and tried to classify the cases according to the schematization of the above. The cases were reviewed with the observation on karyotype, external or internal or internal genitalia, in some, hormonal balance, utilizing various methods of operative examination The disorders of genetic sex consist of 3 cases of true hermaphroditism, ? cases of Klinefelter`s syndrome, 9 cases of Turner`s syndrome, 1 case of sex reversal syndrome (XX male) l case of mixed gonadal dysgenesis, and l case of dysgenetic male pseudohermaphroditism. The disorders of gonadal sex consist of 6 cases of pure gonadal dysgenesis. The disorders of phenotypic sex consist of 11 cases of adrenogenital syndrome, 7 cases of male pseudohermaphroJitism, and Z case of congenital absence of vagina. The remained 12 cases which were suspected as disorders of sexual differentiation were not able to be differentiated according to the inadequacy of diagnostic studies."


¼ººÐÈ­; °£¼º; sexual differentiation

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