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°íȯÁ¾¾çÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû Clinical Observation of Testicular Tumors

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 21±Ç 1È£ p.72 ~ 81
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±èÁ¤Âù/Kim CC Á¶ÀçÈï/Cho JH


"Clinical observation of testicular tumors was made on 10 cases who were admitted to the Department of Urology, Seoul Adventist Hospita1, during the period from January 1975 to June 1979. The results are summarized as follows : l. During this period, the total number of male in-patients was 496 among which 10 cases had testicular tumor, giving a rate of 2.02% 2. Among 74 cases of male genitourinary tract tumor, there were 10 cases of testicular tumor with a rate of 13. 51%. 3. Age distribution was between 5 months and 55 years, showing the highest incidence in the 30 to 39 year age range (30.0%). 4. There were 6 cases (60,0%) on the right. 4 cases (40.0%) on the left. 5. 70.0% of the cases visited the hospital within 6 months after onset of the symptoms. 6. The frequent subjective symptoms were as follows: painless scrotal mass in 8=.O%, painful scrotal mass in 20.0%, palpable abdominal mass in l0.0% and lumbar back pain in 10.0% as wellI as other symptoms. 7. There were 2 cases (20.0%) with metastasis on admission: l case in inguinal lymph node and 1 case in lung and lumbar lymph node. 8. There were 3 cases of seminoma (30.0%) including 2 cases combined with teratoma and embryonal carcinoma respectively, 2 cases of yolk sac tumor (20.0%), 2 cases of teratocarcinoma (20.0%), 2 cases of teratoma (20.0%) and l cases of metastatic adenocarcinoma from stomach (10.0%) 9. These patient were managed by surgery and/or irradiation and/or chemotherapy."


°íȯÁ¾¾ç; testis tumor

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