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Sparganum MansoniÀÇ ÁÂÃø Ãøº¹ºÎ ¹× ÁÂÃø À½³¶±â»ý 1·Ê A Case of Sparganosis in the Left Flank and the Left Scrotum

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 21±Ç 2È£ p.195 ~ 198
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±èÁ¤Âù/Kim CC À̼±±â/³²»ï±Ø/Á¶ÀçÈï/Lee SK/Nam SG/Cho JH


"The human sparganum mansoni infestation was reported 63 cases in Korea until 1974, but urogenital infestation of sparganum is relatively rare. We experienced a case of sparganosis in which one parasite migrated from the Left flank to the left scrotum and the other remained in the left flank. The white ribbon worm-like structure was crawling in the subcutaneous tissue of the left scrotum. This 51 year lod male patient had an episode of intake of raw snake as a tonic 2 year ago"


½ºÆĸ£°¡´®Áõ; sparganosis; scrotum; flank

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