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°æ¿äµµÀýÁ¦¼ú¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Clinical Observation of the Transurethral Resection

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 21±Ç 4È£ p.327 ~ 331
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±èÃá°ï/Kim CG ¹Ú¿µ°æ/Park YK


"A Clinical observation was made on 2l cases of T.U.R. who had been admitted to the Department of Urology. Jeonbug National University. Medical School during the period of January 1979 to August 1979. The results were summarized as f0110wsi 1. Among 21l in-patients for 8 months, 21 cases were undertaken transurethral resection. 2. The age distribution ranged from 41 years to 76 years. with the most common age group in 7th and 8th decades. 3. The proportion of male to female was 20: 1. 4. Among 21 cases. B.P.H. was 9(42. 86%), bladder tumor was 8(38.09%),prostate tumor was 2(9.5%) and median bar was 2 (9.5%). 5, Average operating time was 53 minutes in bladder tumor. 51 minutes in B.P.H., 47 minutes in prostate ca, and 42 minutes in median bar. 6. Average weight of resected tissue was 11.2gm in B.P.H. 6.5gm in prostate :ca, 4.2gm in bladder tumor and 7.5gm in median bar. 7, Average duration of indwelling .catheter was 6.5 days in B.P.H., 6 days in prostate ca. 5 days in bladder tumor and 6 days median bar."


°æ¿äµµÀýÁ¦¼ú; transurethral resection; BPH; bladder tumor

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