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°³¹æ ¿ä¸·°üÀÇ 1·Ê A Case of Congenital Patent Urachus

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1980³â 21±Ç 4È£ p.373 ~ 376
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Ãֹ鳲/Choi BN ÀÓÁ¾±¹/³ªÇöÀç/¼Ûõ±Ô/·ù¼ö¹æ/±èÀºÈ£/Lim CK/Na HJ/Song CK/Ryu SB/Kim EH


"Urachal anomalies are very rare. The umbilicus and the structures which lead to its formation rarely cause trouble except in patients with an error. Embryologically, the urachus represents the vestigial remnant of the allantois which, in the fetus, communicates with the cloaca. The patent urachus results from failure of luminal closure of the urachus Herein a case of congenital patent urachus reported with a brief review of literatures."


¿ä¸·°ü±âÇü; urachus

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