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ºñ´¢±âÁ¾¾ç¿¡ À־ ¼¼Æ÷Áø´ÜÇÐÀû ÀÇÀÇ The Urine Cytology on the Genitourinary Tumors

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 22±Ç 2È£ p.121 ~ 127
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¼±¿ìÇü½Ä/Sunwoo HS °í¼º°Ç/Koh SK


"Urinary cytology is rather simple diagnostic procedure for the detection of the urinary tract tumors, but has not yet been fully accepted by urologists. Since publication of the work in urinary cytology by Papanicolaou and Marshall in 1945, many studies with urine sediment smears have been reported. To evaluate the results of cytologic examination of the genitourinary tumors, we have compared with the results of biopsies which were performed at the Department of Urology, Korea University Hospital, during the period from April 1972 to September 1979. One hundred fifty patients were subjected to this examination, of which 81 cases were diagnosed as the genitourinary tumors histopathologically, while 69 cases were negative histologically. In 81 cases, 50 cases (61.7%) were negative in urinary, 9 cases (11.1%) doubtful and 22 cases(27.2%) positive."


ºñ´¢»ý½Ä±âÁ¾¾ç; ¿ä¼¼Æ÷°Ë»ç; ¿ä¼¼Æ÷°Ë»ç; urine cytology; genitourinary tumors

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