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½Å°á¼®ÀÇ ¿Ü°úÀû óġ Surgical Management in Renal Stone

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 22±Ç 2È£ p.162 ~ 168
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¿À¼º±¤/Oh SK À̹μº/Lee MS


"Surgical management was considered on 61 cases of renal stone, admitted to the Dept of Urology, National Medical Center from Jan, 1976 to Dec 1979. In the 4 years of period, there were 798 inpatients which included 207 patients of urinary stone, Renal stone occupied 29% of urolithiasis. Pyelolithotomy was performed in 26 patients, nephrectomy in 12, nephrolithotomy in 11, extended pyelolithotomy in 7 and partial nephrectomy in one patient. The major reasons of nephrectomy were severely damaged kidney in 3 cases and vascular injury in 3 cases. Urine leakage over 15 days was not noted in any case. Massive bleeding occurred in 1 case after nephrolithotomy, which required subsequent nephrectomy on postoperative 12th day. No death was experienced among the cases."


½Å°á¼®; ¿Ü°úÀûóġ; surgery; renal stone; pyelolithotomy; nephrolithotomy; nephrectomy

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