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°íȯÁ¾¾çÀÇ º´¸®Á¶Á÷ÇÐÀûº´Å Clinical and Histopathologic Behaviors of Testicular Tumors

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 22±Ç 3È£ p.290 ~ 299
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ÇÑ»óÈñ/Han SH ±è½ÃȲ/Kim SW


"Clinical observations and histopathologic behaviors of testicular tumors were made on 39 cases who were admitted to the Department of Urology, Seoul National University Hospital, during the period from January, 1966 to December, 1979. The results are summarized as follows; 1) Among the 4220 cases of male inpatients, 718 (17. 0%) were G. U tract tumors and 39(0. 92%) were testicular tumors. 2) Age distribution was between 8 months and 72 years old, showing the highest incidence under the 5 year-old age group (38%). 3) Twenty one cases (53. 8%) arose on the right and eighteen cases (46. 2%) on the left. 4) Twenty two cases (56. 4%) visited the hospital within 6 months after the onset of the symptoms and 30 cases (77. 1%) within 1 year. 5) The presenting symptoms were painless scrotal mass (79. 5%). painful scrotal mass (7.7%) and metastatic symptoms (12. 8%) 6) Three cases (7.7%) arose from undescended testis. 7) Twelve cases (30. 8%) had already metastasis when first seen. 8) We had measured the level of serum A. F. P. by gel agar precipitation method or radioimmunoassay in 18 cases. Normal levels of A. F. P. were seen it seminoma and nongerminal testicular tumor. Of 11 cases with no metastatic non-seminomatous germinal cell tumor, 5 had elevated serum A. F. P. All the 3 cases with metastatic non-seminomatous germinal cell tumor had elevated serum A. F. P 9) These patients were managed by surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Serum and urine H. C. G. was checked during chemotherapy on 1 case for the evaluation of response to chemotherapy."


°íȯÁ¾¾ç; È­Çпä¹ý; testicular tumor; histology; chemotherapy

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