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¿©¼ºÀÇ ºñƯÀ̼º ÇϺοä·Î °¨¿°Áõ¿¡ °üÇÑ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Clinical Evaluation of Non-specific Lower Urinary Tract Infection on Female Patients

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 22±Ç 5È£ p.412 ~ 418
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³²±â¿õ/Nam KU ±è±Ôȯ/Kim KH


"Female cystourethritis is one of the most common urologic problems encountered in
all age groups and it forms a greater proportion of the female patients on urologic practice. During the two-rear period (from March 1, 1977 to February 28, 1979), 208 cases of female cystourethritis were observed and the following results were obtained. 1) The age distribution is between 8 and 73 years of age, showing the highest incidence in 25 to 41 years of age (64.5%). 2) On duration of symptoms, 55.8% of cases were less than 1 week but 2.9% of cases were more than 5 years. 3) In order of frequency, the urinary symptoms were frequent urination in 57.7%, tenesmus in. 38.9% and dysuria in 30.8%. The extra-urinary symptoms were

suprapubic discomfort in 49.0%. back pain in 30.8% and vaginal discharge in 13.0%. 4) On laboratory findings, normal urinalysis was revealed in 64.9% and bacteria was recovered in 25.5% of cases. Of vaginal smear, 56.4% of cases were normal. 5) The cystoscopic findings; trigonal hyperemia and swelling (37. 1%), trabeculation (28. 9%). localized hyperemia (21.6%) and normal (35. 1%). 6) Urethral endoscopic findings were classified with Kim`s classification: Group I : Almost normal urethra and bladder neck or with very mild mucosal changes 32 cases

(16. 5%) Group II : Mild granular hyperemia of the urethral mucosa with almost normal bladder neck 55 case (28.4%). Group III : Marked bulbous and granular hyperemia of the urethral mucosa and mild bulbous bladder neck with a few pseudopolyps 92 cases (47.1%) Group IV : Marked bullous and granular hyperemia of the urethra and granular marked bullous bladder neck with many pseudopolyps 15 cases (7.7%)"


¿©¼º¿äµµÁõÈıº; ºñƯÀ̼ºÇϺοä·Î°¨¿µÁõ; non-specific UTI; female

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