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¿ä·Î°¨¿°: ¿äÀÇ Á¤·®¹è¾ç ¹× °¨¼ö¼º °Ë»ç ¼ºÀû Recent Results of Quantitative Culture and Sensitivity Test of Urine

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 22±Ç 6È£ p.558 ~ 563
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À¯¼º½Ä/Yoo SS ¹Ú³ëÁ¤/Park RJ


"This paper is presented to report the results of urinary quantitative culture and drug sensitivity tests for isolated micro-organisms in this study. Studies were done on 172 cases from the department of Urology, Eul Ji General Hospital during the period from Jan. 1979 up to Dec. 1980. 1. Quantitative urine culture in 172 cases were performed and of these, 89 cases grew micro-organism wile the remaining 83 cases showed no growth. Among the 89 cases, 67 cases (75. 2%) revealed significant bacteriuria with colony count over 10 5/ml in urine while 22
cases (24. 8%) were below 10 5/ml. Radio of Male: Female is 29 : 38 2. 55 cases (82. 1%) among the 67 cases with significant bacteriuria could the bacteria be identified on a smear and Gram stain. 54 cases (80.6%) of the 67 significant bacteriuria casts revealed pyuria of more than 5/HPF while 13 cases (19.4%) were below 5/HPF 3. 60 cases (89. 6%) of the 67 cases significant bacteriuria has Gram (-) bacilli while 7 cases(10.4 %) were Gram (+) cocci by direct smear. The frequency of isolated organism were as following E. coli ....33 cases (49. 3%). Pseudomonas ....11 cases (16. 4%) Enterobactor ....6 cases(9.0%) Proteus and stapbylo. Aureus .....4 cases (5.8%) respectively. 4. On the whole, all isolated micro-organisms showed considerable susceptibility to panimycin (82. 7%) and then frequency of susceptible drug were and then the frequency of susceptible drug were Cefamezine, Kedacillin, Gentamicin."


¿ä·Î°¨¿°; ¿ä¹è¾ç°Ë»ç; urine culture; sensitivity test; antibiotics

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