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À½³¶³»¿¡ ±â»ýÇÑ Sparganum MansoniÀÇ 1·Ê A Case of Sparganosis Infesting in the Scrotum

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1981³â 22±Ç 6È£ p.644 ~ 645
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¾È°æ¼ö/Ahn KS À̺´È­/°û¼®±¸/Á¤½ÂÈ­/Lee BW/Kwak SK/Chung SW


"Sparganosis is a parasitic infestation which is manifested principally in the cats or dogs, but many human infestations have not been reported uncommonly. In Korea, the reported cases of human sparganosis are more than 20 cases till now Moreover the urogenital infestation of sparganosis is rarely observed. We have experienced one case of sparganosis in scrotum, which would often be confused with the sperm granuloma."


½ºÆĸ£°¡´®Áõ; sparganosis; scrotum

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